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Classic Album Art

Cover Front

Crosby, Stills & Nash - CSN

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Classic Album Art

release - 1977
album art - Joel Bernstein

cover front

Joel Bernstein photographed the trio in serious poses aboard a boat, and initial copies of CSN bore that picture on the cover. The next picture Bernstein took was a shot of them breaking into laughter at the thought of just having posed as 'serious artists'.

CSN later decided that they liked the second photo better, and decided that all future pressings of CSN should bear the 'laughter' photo.



cover back

Cover Back



Crosby, Stills & Nash (CSN) is a folk rock supergroup made up of David Crosby, Stephen Stills and Graham Nash. They are also known as Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young (CSNY) when joined by occasional fourth member Neil Young.

They are noted for their intricate vocal harmonies, often tumultuous interpersonal relationships, political activism, and lasting influence on US music and culture

Prior to the formation of CSN, each member of the band had belonged to another prominent group. David Crosby played guitar, sang and wrote songs with the Byrds; Stephen Stills and had been a guitarist, keyboardist, vocalist and songwriter in the band Buffalo Springfield (which also featured Neil Young); and Graham Nash had been a guitarist, singer and songwriter with the Hollies.

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