Iron Maiden - Piece of Mind - 1983

Also interesting on the back cover is the floating hand. This glove, with a chain and a piece of jewelry has the signature of Derek Riggs. In his words:

'The meaning behind it is just something that occurred to me. It reminds me of something I grew up with as a kid. There was a comic hero, Louis Crandall, The Steel Claw. It was this guy who had a steel hand, and he stuck his fingers in the light socket or something, he would turn invisible, apart from the steel hand. And when I was like five, I thought that was real cool. I think I said to my dad, 'Would that work?' He said 'No, you would just die.' So anyway, they kind of cut this thing out and hung it on pieces of string as part of the display in the record stores. So my signature is floating around in stores.'
the location | padded cell | the glove | the brains | more Eddie | tube or spotify