
the art of frembeschi
and the drive behind

Keep on rewriting (1)

How frustrating are old and self repeating thoughts? This rhetorical (and historical) question dominates my mind more & more!

In religion and politics it seems to be the only possible wave. Many different parties are only speaking old paper words. They use those written words as their holy bible. But these bibles are static while they should be dynamic! Look around:
the world needs transformation!

Hearing one another is not enough if you forget to listen. It is a waste of time when you don't realize that a different point of view is nothing more than a tool .....

.... that is just needed to force the creative mind to do something new. To create new temporary bibles. And remember: your bible is not the centre of the universe because there is always an other truth beside your own (ego)!

Listen, learn, respect, force,
rewrite and create!!

more in
 part two - you're almost there




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