theme one



intro studio

experience THE RHYTHM

'Everything in the universe
has a rhythm, everything dances.'

~ Maya Angelou

the dance


'I experience rhythm in music when every muscle in my body spontaneously finds the best additional and satisfying moves towards the next beat' ~ eJAY


'Our world, life itself, and my engagement within it; that's my real time theatre. It moves, it waves, repeats, reacts, makes all my senses twinkle and my mind wondering! It feeds the rhythm of imagination.' ~ eJAY


'When I can't explain my rose garden, I tend to wishful thinking and magic to compensate and to fill up those empty spaces, but both attitudes always circle back to these questions: Who or what is behind the rhythm of the unknown? Is it fear or curiosity?' ~ eJAY


The heart of frembeschi.

As long as I live there will be that beat, but it's the rhythm in between that gives me the wings to fly, to explore, and to fill in the empty spaces.

Music~Theatre~Thoughts. Experience the Rhythm of frembeschi on 3 different levels. Take your time, don't forget to enJOY and try to unfold the stories that might show up. In Workbook you can read mine and combine them with the experience of Studio.

Get on Board. Turn up the volume. Feel the rhythm! Experience!

music ~ theatre ~ thoughts


Food for Thought

Music part I


eJAY frembeschi

Hey, hello, welcome in Workbook.

Hopefully you are enjoying theme One so far. You might have noticed that theme One has a lot of Rhythm in various ways. From music that literally makes you move, towards the amazing theatre of (our) life and finally towards some musings about who we are, what we do and what we can be. In Workbook you’ll find my personal quest about all this.

Hope to inspire you a little.


Music part II

Wow - We are creators!

by frembeschi

‘Everything in the universe has a rhythm, everything dances.’ ~ Maya Angelou.

What a beautiful quote! It appeals to imagination but yet the concept of rhythm is not that simple. Reason to dig some deeper.

Stars are born and die and the earth revolves around the sun. Indeed; this just happens! Oceans have tides and the moon has moon phases. Ok, but preserve the thought about the moon! Mountains are in motion and seeds sprout. Yes, at least on Earth! Trees grow and lose leaves, even while people sleep. True, but trees simply don’t need people for that. As long as I live my heart will beat. Sure, but despite that I am dealing here with the rhythm of life and death it mainly appeals to my consciousness about 'here and now'! And that includes you too while reading this... just right now!! There you are behind your screen; say 'hello me'!

So indeed; everything dances with its own, sometimes mysterious, cause. Everything starts, continues in a certain rhythm, co-exists and finally returns to an earlier status quo. From the smallest particle to the blackest hole. These rhythms seem to be the nature of the universe; nourished by the essence of matter, energy and time. Some say: 'Nourished by the Almighty – the great observer and creator!' … but that’s a nice quest for later.

Many rhythms seem to be empty!? They just happen and don’t even need our presence!? Unanswered questions indeed! But, and that is more interesting for now, there are a lot of rhythms that are only there because of us. Rhythms seem to be empty if there's nobody to observe them (…lq…). And that leads me back to the moon.

The moon has no moon phases at all. She does not phase by itself. In space she is 24/7 half illuminated by the sun. The paradox is simply created by us as conscious observers. As a present of awareness. Each moon phase, as seen from earth, is like a snapshot, like a beat. Static, observed by us. Boom, day one. Boom, day two. Yet when we order all these snapshots in a timeline, fill in some movement and smoothly morph the empty spaces, we create her rhythm. And that’s more than the beats it self.

In other words: some rhythms are only there because we create them by filling in the empty spaces as observers. From this point of view rhythm has a creator dimension! We are creators too! Wow!!

However, it remains questionable whether such creations objectively contain the truth!?

Music does Exist
Music Part III

Music does Exist

by eJAY frembeschi

We are creaters too. Let's dig some deeper about this with an even more interesting example.

Music on its own does not exist. According to certain philosophical insights, there is without an observer not even sound. And therefore certainly not music. But even if there is an observer, everything he hears will not be experienced as music. How would a horse or an ox experience ‘Für Elise’ by van Beethoven? Their ears catch the vibration of sounds but what does their brain with it? Certainly not the composers human intention!

And yes, a parrot can perfectly move its body on the rhythm of music. Great to see, but that does not mean that this colourful creature also comprehends the essence of that musical piece. And what about this one: Can a whale truly sing a song? That is probably not his intention! With these questions we touch the core of human nature.

Music on its own does not exist; it needs a co partner.It requires presence of mind. It requires awareness of music as a concept. And here we are again! Extraordinary as we are!

On our planet we, humans, are the only creators of music. As a result of our imagination and the power to project all this in a timeline, we create music within our own unique (and limited) human references. Created in and by the human brain and therefore, as far as we know, only experienced as such by us. It makes all our senses twinkle in a very organised way. And rhythm is the driving force behind it. It creates that rich, empathetic feeling that music conveys.

But how? ... Continue reading in:

  • workbook -> theatre
  • Theatre of Life
    Theatre Part I

    Theatre of Life

    by eJAY frembeschi

    Music is the driving force of frembeschi Studio. All over the world people also use music in videos to give their visual expression more power. The vids in the theatre part of frembeschi Studio are an excellent example of this phenomenon.

    The videos in Theatre are about our world, life itself, and our engagement within it. In fact it’s about the present; our real time theatre of life. It moves, it waves, cycles, phases, beats, reacts, it makes all our senses twinkle and our minds wondering. All this input connects some essentials of awareness that we found in part one: Workbook - Music.

    ‘Rhythm has a creator dimension too! We are creators!!’
    ‘Music does exist! And rhythm is the driving force behind it!’

    But what is the relationship between rhythm and music? Let’s create a 'mind paint' for this one. After all, this is one of our talents!
    Nevertheless, it is highly likely that this 'mind paint' contains only our truth, isn't it?! Does truth exist without an observer? Can truth also be absolute? The truth! Dilemma!!

    The Mind Paint
    Theatre Part II

    The Mind Paint

    by eJAY frembeschi

    Now Imagine a large jet of water flowing from the tap in a metal sink. In terms of sound it is mainly meaningless noise. Too overwhelming, no perceptible details.

    Like a radio without a tuned station the tap needs some fine tuning. You can do this by slowly turning off the tap until you hear it drop by drop. Like a leaking tap every drop falls now into that metal sink. The overwhelming noise is gone! We now hear the sound of every drop.

    The horse and the ox can also hear the sound of every drop. But it just becomes interesting when you also become aware of the silence between each drop. And now a mindblowing paradox shows up. You become aware of something that is not there! Drip (nothing) drip (nothing) drip (nothing). Those audible single drops! They connect the void and automatically create an hypnotic beat in which you can whiz away when you do nothing. Or they start to annoy you if you focus to much. But when you focus in a creative and imaginary way, something very intriguing happens!

    When you consciously fill this void, and that is precisely something our brain likes to do, rhythm shows up. Only when you fill in the void between each beat, we start creating music! Out of nothing!!

    The best composers are masters of filling those gaps. First they fine tune until a desired beat pattern shows up. A countable beat, as a heartbeat of the song, slow or up tempo or something in between but in the base uninterrupted. The real magic, however, happens with filling in the rhythm parts because they create those needed emotion carriers for harmony and melody. In a good composition, the whole is even more than the sum of its parts. And sometimes, but not always, more power can be created by adding words. Another specific human talent!

    The Power of Emptiness
    Theatre Part III

    The power of emptiness

    by eJAY fremebschi

    The awareness of empty spaces frees the creator in us. It creates a rhythm of variety, insight and confirmation through imagination and projection. From this point of view it is still a mind blowing thought that before (and after) my life thereseems to be nothing but emptiness!

    Bridge: 'To be or not to be!?'

    What is the driving force beyond that kind of emptiness and is there a still hidden relationship or connection with us, humans!? Whose device are we actually playing the music on? Goodness, it seems that the 'later-quest'-item is popping up again!

    Continue reading in:

  • workbook -> thoughts
  • Ask the Mountains
    Thoughts Part I

    Ask the Mountains

    by eJAY frembeschi

    Ask the Mountains .... how old they are, how cold they are, how magnificent they are, how warm they are, how tenderly they are, how outrageous they are, how green they are, how rocky they are, how alive they are..... and you will get a reply in unspoken words that feels like this:

    'We are ... and we are also a lower part of a giant living creature: called Earth. Just like You!'

    Interesting thought when you philosophize a bit further about that: consciousness -> earth <-> sun <-> solar system <-> milky way <-> universe <- consciousness.

    Thoughts Part II

    the rhythm of I+P=C

    by eJAY frembeschi

    Quote of Xenophanes of Colophon:

    'If horses and oxes had hands and could draw pictures, their gods would look remarkably like horses and oxen.'

    Once there must have been a moment in human evolution that we became aware of our inner self as a part of an outside world of matter and energy. And crossing this 'blurred' line, a kind of paradox was created.
    With our first, but needed, glimpse into our inside world (and from there out again) we slowly but surely became aware of two very confusing worlds at the same time. As if we skipped step one: from 'alive but only instinctively responsive in a for us non-defined world’ towards ‘awareness of two worlds at the same time!'

    From that moment of crosssing over that faint line, we never stopped exploring both worlds. And imagination and projection are, without any doubt, the most powerful tools in our toolkit. They stimulate evolvement towards consciousness about ourselves in relation with the world we're part of. They always try to fill in the empty spaces. Those empty spaces between every 'tick-tock' in time. They allow us to interact with it; to create and upgrade new worlds on a spiritual and material level. The awareness of our place in the present gave access to the past and the future. And this turned out to be the key to the rhythm of I + P = C.

    Despite this insight we have a major issue in our human view of looking at things. If we cannot explain a phenomenon this very same imagination and projection tend to use wishful thinking and magic to fill up those empty spaces. With this we try to compensate our fear of the unknown. The very same reason that we tend to preserve every new thought or insight for temporary stability. We need time to adapt. From this point of view 'self fulfilling prophecies' have a plausible function.

    But it is in our DNA that self-fulfilling prophecies easily enslave us with outdated 'truths'. And this certainly happens when we ignore new questions and new insights. Singer/songwriter Franks Zappa gave me a beautiful insight for this problem: 'The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.' Dare to get out of your bubble. Open your mind and stop with only re-reading old books and ignoring the new ones. Break with static dogmas and project them again! Reconsider all the memes. There will be no new creation when the rhythm of I+P is no longer triggered by means of your own curiosity.

    So, maybe God created the universe out of the void!? And maybe, before the Big bang, there was only God!? And maybe, God might be a man - human species indeed - called Johnny!? Hola!!?? This is what Xenophanes meant, isn't it!?

    Xenophanes was indeed a wise man. He gives me the insight that, however I am a Creator myself, I am also gifted with the curse of self-fulfilling-prophecies that create static gods while gods should be versatile and dynamic. A rhythm that is inherent to power and knowledge or the lack thereof. A rhythm that is still cultivated by those in power for own benefit.

    In our very fast world of today it is time to rewrite some old books and replace them with the new ones in which we discribe the new 'gods' according to new insights. God is not a man, not even human, but probably just a force in and around us! Its power might be found in the voids that we still are exploring. Shine your light on that!

    Get on Board
    Thoughts Part III

    Get on Board

    bye, eJAY

    'As long as I'll live there will be that beat, but it's the rhythm in between that gives me the wings to fly, to explore, and to fill in the empty spaces.' ~ eJAY

    Each rhythm is 'a fill up' a re-creation of an empty space towards the next beat. It's up to you and me to fill in those empty spaces. Let's try to fill it in on as many different ways as possible. It colours the world and our minds. Keep on composing! The only thing we have to tune is that our next beat is a human marker in which we can recognize the true spirit of humanity corresponding the insights of today. Let's create these songs together. Feed the rhythm of humanity! Let's Dance on the music we create in harmony! And last but not least; dare to rewrite old songs, listen to them with a wink, or just skip them. Keep your library up to date and compose!

    Next Bridge: do you dare to jump!?

    Hello universe … is there anybody out there who also understands our broadcasting music!? Is there a being, a specie, a consciousness that even recognizes the rhythm and the music of the cosmos!? Let's try to connect without getting in distress again! Keep on controlling the tap and continue searching for the next song.

    Welcome on board!!

    a BRIDGE of light

    Our 'pale blue dot' is round. And spinning around. But it's the sun that 'bridges' us into the light!

    I live in Europa. And maybe you're from Australia.
    When I wake up, you go to bed for a good wonderful nightrest ... or what ever.
    We both experience the rhythm of day and night.
    I want to meet you towards the light or are you already doing that?

    Where do you live?
    North America
    South America
    Created with PollMaker


    rhythms we should bent and re-write


    This theme is a 'living' document and its content is not definitive. In ALIVE you'll find the latest adds, changes or whatever.

    Maybe there's is once enough Food for Thought for a little booklet with a collection of the most frembeschio content.
    I'll let you know.

    for now: a studio MUSIC bonus

    note: best experience on desktop
    or at least with a good sound system


    frembeschi EXPERIENCE.

    frembeschi was a non-existing word when the idea for it started in 2011 on Twitter. EXPERIENCE is the 2.0 website THEME version.
    The whole project still stands for a musical heartbeat, a search for positive energy, and musings with an open mind.

    Twitter, however, is still the freeplace where themes are born. So, let's create the next experience togehter! Interact!

    welcome on Twitter


    frembeschi will launch more themes in time

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